Karen Jefferys, one of Lewisham’s four fundraising development managers, has set aside time to help community groups make their applications for NCIL community funding.
Groups have until September 23 2024 to complete and submit applications. Karen has set aside time in August to mid-September to read through and check draft applications for NCIL funding. There are a limited number of slots available.
If your group would like to book some help, then please email Karen (karen@lewishamlocal.com)
Karen is one of four fund raising development managers in the borough and is based at Lewisham Local in The Place Ladywell. Her fund raising focuses on black and disability groups.
Karen has more than 20 years experience in the not for profit sector and most of that time was spent in fund raising.
She hosts Friday Fundraising Clubs involving a mix of Q&A sessions and workshops where people can learn more about funders and business sponsorship. Karen also runs Fundraising Plus which offers one to one in depth sessions on raising funds.
She can also offer access to directories with lists of grant making trusts. Book time with Karen to take a look on September 18 and October 16.
Volunteering support coordinator Emma Prior has teamed up with Karen to offer tips on getting volunteers to help your group and how to retain them.