The Safer Neighbourhood police team says there has been a huge increase in mobile phone theft in Ladywell. From nine such thefts in February, September…
AssemblyCommunityLocal NewsTop Stories
Ladywell Assembly November 4 – £63,000 in community funding tops agenda … plus safer neighbourhood update and Sister Midnight
by TonyCommunity funding totalling almost £63,000 will be the main item on the agenda at the Ladywell Assembly meeting on Thursday 4 November, from 7pm to…
AssemblyCommunityLocal NewsTop Stories
Local Police step up efforts to revive Safer Neighbourhood Panel in Ladywell
by TonySteps are underway to revive Ladywell’s Safer Neighbourhood Panel which plays a valuable role in the ward by bringing police and community together to help…
Local NewsNeighbourhood
Coronavirus safety or noise complaint: popular Hilly Fields live jazz sessions shut down and we don’t know why
by CereliaThere has been a lot of community support for the Monday impromptu improvised jazz sessions that were being held on Hilly Fields on Mondays from…
CommunityLocal News
“Extreme speeding” offences increase 220% during 10 weeks of life in lockdown, say police
by TonyCommunity Roadwatch efforts in the neighbourhood have been suspended during the coronavirus lockdown. But police officers and community support officers have been organising and carrying…
Local HistoryTop Stories
The Catford murder that led to big changes in the criminal justice system
by TonyOn April 22 1972 Maxwell Confait’s body was found by a fireman at 27 Doggett Road, Catford. A Seychelles born sex worker known locally as…
AssemblyLocal News
Ladywell assembly on June 25 – recycling, funding, speeding, police update and more
by TonyAn important date for your diary! The next Ladywell assembly meeting will be on Tuesday June 25 at 7.00pm at Gordonbrock School, Gordonbrock Road, London…