Sunday January 28 – it’s time once again for the Friends of Hilly Fields Big Birdwatch event.
The event is all about helping people to learn a little bit more about birds and underestand how our parks and green spaces are important habitats for them.
It’s also about supporting the RSPB as the weekend is part of their National Big Garden Birdwatch.
A stall will be outside the Hilly Fields cafe between 10.30 – 12.30. There will be bird ID sheets and children will be able to make fatballs and bird feeders. These can be hung from trees in the park or taken home to hang in your own garden. Everybody is welcome and it is all free.
A guided walk will set off from outside the cafe at about 11.00.. If you have binoculars, please bring them. Alternatively, you can take a bird ID sheet and go round the park by yourselves, but please observe these basic rules:
- only count the maximum number of each species that you see at any one time (to avoid duplication);
- don’t count birds that fly over without stopping – only birds within the park.
We will collate the results at the end of the day on our Big Blackboard and submit the results to the RSPB.