Definitely not to be missed – this is the very last barn dance of 2019 but sure to be the best one yet.
Organised by award winning charity Global Fusion Music and Arts in association with the Ladywell Society, the barn dance takes place on Saturday November 9 from 7:30pm until 10:30pm (doors open 7:00pm).
The famous local band “Larkin’ the Woods” will show up in full force for the event along with Lewisham Womens’ Morris team, Dacre Morris, who will dance in the interval.
The organisers are again delighted to be able to use the Ladywell (Day) Centre, Dressington Avenue, SE4 1JF with its spacious hall, stage and car parking for the event.
There will be hot and cold drinks and snacks available or you can bring your own refreshments.
The Ladywell Village Barn Dances are inclusive events which are now a firm fixture in the neighbourhood’s social calendar.
This final barn dance of the year really promises to be something special and Ladywell residents can get £2 off the door price by buying their tickets online.
Tickets are £8 on the door or £6 in advance from www.wegottickets.com The event has been sponsored by local estate agents Sebastian Roche.