Three projects have been recommended for Ladywell ward NCIL community funding of £45,000. A final decision on whether the projects will be funded will be taken by Mayor and cabinet in March.
NCIL funding comes from the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), paid by developers in the borough, and has to be spent on infrastructure projects.
The projects recommended are:
Improvements to the play area in the north field of Ladywell fields. These will involve the installation and replacement of play items and surface areas. The recommende funding is £35,581.75.
Funding for Christmas trees in Ladywell for the next two years. The council will also look into the feasibility of sustainable trees where possible. The amount recommended is £4,535.00.
Max in the Park, a free event in Hilly Fields involving children’s art activities, live music, arts market and food and drink for local businesses. The amount recommended of £4,800 will be used for the event in June 2026 and June 2027. In the past Art in the Park has been the final day of the nine-day Brockley Max community arts festival celebrating local talent.
Second round of NCIL funding hands Ladywell ward £45K

NCIL community funding is back. Ladywell ward will have almost £45,000 available for a range of community projects in the second round of funding.
NCIL funding comes from the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), paid by developers in the borough, and has to be spent on infrastructure projects.
This second round of funding will provide up to two years support for a wide range of community projects. The total funding available is about £2.6m.
There are two funds available:
The Borough-wide NCIL awards funding to capital and revenue projects that will benefit three or more wards in the borough or the whole of Lewisham. The total fund available is £621,732.92.
The Ward NCIL provides funding for projects which benefit each of the 19 individual wards in Lewisham. The amount available in each Ward NCIL fund varies. The total fund available is £1,931,509.86
The NCIL funding pot for the Ladywell Ward will be £44,916.75 for the two years 2025-27.
Lewisham is now inviting local organisations who want to deliver a project at either Borough or Ward level to apply via our community funding website.
Local residents are also being invited to have their say on Council suggested projects via the Consultation Hub, all details of which can be found at the community funding website.
Residents are invited to support up to three suggested capital projects. These have been costed by council officials. Residents’ preferences will be taken into account in the overall assessment process.
Below is a list of proposed projects, including a brief description and the amount of NCIL funding requested:
Project List
Christmas Tree in Ladywell
Christmas Tree and decoration costs over the next 2 years, 2025-27. NCIL Requested: £4,535.00
Cycle Hangars in Ladywell
This bid will fund 4 cycle hangars in Ladywell. NCIL Requested: £33,074.00
Healthy Walks Signage
For the design, production and installation of Healthy Walks signage along the routes of Ladywell/Blythe Hill/Telegraph Hill/ Ravensbourne Park and Hillyfields. NCIL Requested: £16,000.00
Hilly Fields Table Tennis
Additional table tennis table at Hilly Fields Park. NCIL Requested: £5,555.00
Ladywell APG Building Removal
Removal of Ladywell APG building. NCIL Requested: £40,000.00
Ladywell Fields Play Improvements
This project will provide much needed improvements to the play area in the north fields Ladywell Fields. NCIL Requested: £39,000.00
Ladywell Fields Swales
Construction of wetland features and natural play to help manage flooding in the park. NCIL Requested: £25,000.00
Romborough Gardens Allotments Toilets
Increasing accessibility at Romborough Gardens Allotments with the introduction of a composting toilet. NCIL Requested: £5,000.00
Street Bins in Ladywell
Replacement and upgrade of 39 street bins in Ladywell. CIL Requested: £14,401.24
Street Trees in Ladywell
The planting of 5 new street trees within Ladywell. CIL Requested: £6,000.00
Applications and the Consultation Hub will be open until Monday September 23 2024To find out more about our application and consultation process, ward pots, workshops, how to get involved, please go to https://communityfunding.lewisham.gov.uk/
1 comment
Thank you, this website is great, and for reporting on £4,535 for two Christmas trees.
In what sane world can that be the cost? Is that £535 for the trees and decs, and £4,000 for the Council and CIL to debate whether it should happen?
If it does happen please don’t put metal barriers around it – everyone generally seems to be able to avoid bumping into the other trees in the area.