The Lewisham Wellbeing Map is a Google Map which shows locations in Lewisham which can benefit the community. It was initiated in early 2018 by Tim Bradley OBE as a way of mapping local and borough wide health and social services in the Lewisham in order to provide easier access for people. It was also aimed at reducing the pressure on GPs and Link-workers that are focusing on social prescribing. The map is organised around the NHS-endorsed ‘Five Ways to Wellbeing’.
On Thursday February 27 the Lewisham Wellbeing Map got it’s official launch. The event, which was attended by a range of people from the voluntary and community sector, and local government, coincided with the launch of the map’s website. The map has been built mainly by Tim, with support from the council and the Bellingham Community Project.
The map has layers labelled according to different kinds of service that are offered in Lewisham, such as “Medical”, or services for Older people. Each layer shows places where these services can be accessed and can be switched on or off, according to what the viewer wants to find out. There are currently over 1,000 services included.
The map has had over 9,000 views. The map had some small-scale council funding during 2019, which has now finished. Those building and running the map are looking for locals who can contribute their knowledge and expertise to the map. They’d also like institutional funding to become sustainable long-term, and scale up. If you would like to view the map, provide feedback on it or contribute to it, you can do these things by visiting the website. You can also view them on Twitter @LewishamMap