One of the joys of doing what I do now is being invited to lots of street parties around the local community, writes Sean Ryan. It’s a chance to get to meet your neighbours, and speak to people you may have seen but never had the bottle to say hello to.
The enormous amount of pleasure gained by closing your road for the day and enjoying a bit of down time with friends and neighbours is a real boost to your mental wellbeing, as well as creating a real sense of community.
Over the past couple of weeks I have been lucky enough to be invited to two. St Margaret’s Road in Brockley and Merritt Road in Crofton Park. Both great fun and they both went on longer than they should, but thats what these things are all about. The kids absolutely love it as they get a chance to play outside with others. Something we all as younger children took for granted and something sadly missing in today’s society.
The happy smiling faces of everyone and positivity of everyone involved is a great reminder of what life should be. Taking time to sit down with others from all different backgrounds and nationalities and loving them as you would your own family.
Next week is our street party in Manwood Road Crofton Park. In my opinion one of the best around. I have been going to that one for a few years now and no matter what the weathers like, the atmosphere and music have always been top notch.
It doesn’t matter who you are or what you do. Everyone mucks in and creates memories that will last a life time. We are so lucky to have some very talented musicians along our road who all come together on the day to play to the crowds. A small round paddling pool is in front of the band is filled with ice and donations of beer, wine, gin and even money are put into it by contented onlookers.
There’s a bake off for the kids (although I suspect the mums do a lot of it) and barbeques a plenty cooking up a great many treats that everyone enjoys.
Swan Around Photography will be there as always and was the one who encouraged me into taking shots by lending me a camera one day a few years ago. She commented I had a good eye for it and I haven’t stopped ever since. It has brought me a great deal of pleasure and stops me going mad. As well as creating memories that I share with everyone who was there on the day.
If your having a street party this year or thinking of having one next year I wish you all the best of luck with it. If you send me an invite you never know I might rock up there to. @Love_SE4 on Twitter
Are you organising a Big Lunch for your road? Please do share your pictures and stories with us – we’d love to publicise them!
UPDATE: St Margaret’s Road kicks off Big Lunch season with a bang!
Featuring a great musical line-up of the Brockley Ukulele Band and Django Unchained, the St Margaret’s Road annual Big Lunch kicked off the street party season with a bang. Entertainment included a bouncy castle for kids, a Brockley pub quiz with bubbly and of course lots of food contributed by all neighbours.
Big thumbs up for one of the Big Lunch co-organisers, Ellie Brignell. Funky lighting was one of the ingredients for this fantastic party. The Brockley Ukulele Band keeping everyone entertained.
Credit to Sean Ryan for the great photos. You can see more of his work here, and you can follow him on Twitter too.