We hear from Ashanti Bentil-Dhue, the entrepreneur behind Benhue – the Catford coffee shop with the community ethos. Benhue is a coworking and events space…
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CommunityLocal NewsTop Stories
After fleeing Sri Lanka’s civil war, Sabesh says Ladywell is just the ticket
by TonyGrade II listed Ladywell station, opened in 1857, has long been a central part of the neighbourhood’s Victorian heritage. Sabesh has yet to achieve quite…
CommunityLocal NewsTop Stories
Dip and dive, and progress down to the village barn dance – the last of the year!
by TonyDefinitely not to be missed – this is the very last barn dance of 2019 but sure to be the best one yet. Organised by…
Local HistoryTop Stories
Neighbourhood notables 4 – the royal marine who died on a secret mission with 43 tons of gold, a Welsh composer, and an ethical philosopher
by TonyMike Guilfoyle, vice-chair of the Friends of Brockley and Ladywell Cemeteries and a local historian, reveals the stories of some of the people – the…
AssemblyCommunityLadywell SocietyLocal NewsTop Stories
Ladywell is a thriving and expanding community, says society submission to boundary review
by TonyThe Ladywell Society has made the following submission to the Local Government Boundaries Commission which is reviewing ward boundaries in Lewisham. Ladywell-Live welcomes other contributions…
AssemblyLocal NewsTop Stories
UPDATE: Ladywell NCIL pot worth £48,000. You can help decide what the money is spent on!
by TonyLewisham Council is putting residents in charge of setting the spending priorities for a new cash pot called Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (NCIL). Ladywell will…
Local NewsTop Stories
Lewisham Deptford Labour members overwhelmingly vote to re-elect Vicky Foxcroft as their parliamentary candidate
by Cerelias Labour Party branches across Lewisham Deptford have this week been voting on whether or not they want our sitting MP, Vicky Foxcroft, to continue…
CommunityLocal HistoryTop Stories
How some forward thinking by a Lewisham architect created Ladywell’s curvy block of flats
by TonyStumble down the overgrown steps in the southeast corner of Hilly Fields and you are confronted by the curvy block – a mid-1950s crescent of…
Local HistoryTop Stories
Neighbourhood notables 3: the whisky drinking chess maestro; a pyjama clad pilot; and the father of amateur gardening
by TonyMike Guilfoyle, vice-chair of the Friends of Brockley and Ladywell Cemeteries and a local historian, reveals the stories of some of the people – the…
Local NewsNeighbourhoodTop Stories
Lewisham looks to cut glyphosate weedkiller use in parks amid concern over US cancer scare
by CereliaLadywell Live first heard about glyphosate weedkillers being used in Lewisham parks a few months ago. Roundup, the best known and most widely used glyphosate…