Friends of Hilly Fields have been angered by a Lewisham council proposal to upgrade the tennis courts in the park with the help of the…
AssemblyCommunityLocal NewsTop Stories
Polio boosters: Lewisham urges parents to get their children vaccinated to stop spread of virus
by TonyIn recent months, vaccine-derived poliovirus has been detected in sewage in north and east London. Following this, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) advised that…
AssemblyCommunityLocal NewsTop Stories
Village Talk: Coral flat occupied – but there’s no electricity or warm water; car wash Co-op stalls; Playtower work to start next year; and Mercy Terrace rises from the old “rubbish dump”
by TonyNews, views, comments and rumours from the neighbourhood. Coral flat occupied … but there’s no electricity and only cold water Strange happenings in the flats…
AssemblyCommunityTop Stories
Plan for old Ladywell leisure centre site to offer 100 affordable homes and green space in sustainable, energy efficient scheme
by TonyA planning application for the old leisure centre site behind the Place Ladywell will be submitted this autumn after a second round of consultation and…
AssemblyCommunityLocal News
Lewisham residents organise Right to Food rally to raise awareness of food insecurity and hunger in the borough
by TonyLewisham residents are organising a Right to Food rally to raise awareness of hunger in Lewisham and the need for London to become a “right…
AssemblyCommunityLocal HistoryLocal News
St Mary’s Church holds open day with guided history tour and host of activities in therapeutic garden
by TonyThe Church of St Mary the Virgin has been in existence since 918, when the monks from St Peter’s Abbey in Gent, set up the first…
AssemblyCommunityLocal NewsTop Stories
Ladywell women’s stories from the inspiring and uplifting to the sad victims of violence: local women’s group holds free history walk through cemetery
by TonyLadywell Women have organised a history walk with local historian Julie Robinson on Sunday August 28. Julie, a former Local Studies Librarian with Lewisham Local…
A public Zoom meeting on looking after street trees will be held on Sunday 14 10-10.30 am, writes Dom Eliot of Street Trees for Living.…
Photos of the event on Sunday August 7 by Damian Griffiths
AssemblyCommunityLocal News
September Ladywell assembly to discuss next steps for Place Ladywell, Lewisham-Catford cycle lane, NCIL projects and lots more … don’t miss it!
by TonyThe next Ladywell Assembly meeting will be held in person in the school hall at St Mary’s CE Primary School on Lewisham High Street on…