Brockley Max organisers have launched a crowdfunding campaign to save the community arts festival which is threatened by big cuts in council funding. The festival,…
AssemblyCommunityLocal News
Safer neighbourhood panel briefing: constant drug dealing angers Elswick Rd residents
by TonyWhat follows is an edited summary of the Safer Neighbourhood Panel meeting in September. The Safer Neighbourhood Team will be at the local assembly on…
Brockley Max, the community arts festival that showcases local talent, is facing a challenging 2020 after assembly funding cuts. A campaign to save Brockley Max…
AssemblyLocal NewsTop Stories
Finishing touches made to long awaited mural celebrating Lewisham’s suffragettes
by TonyFinishing touches have now been made to the mural commissioned by the Ladywell Assembly. It was originally planned for 2018 to mark the centenary of…
AssemblyCommunityTop Stories
RUSS community hub, built by volunteers, now ‘broadly complete’
by TonyThe timber framed community hub, a key part of the RUSS self build project in Church Grove SE13, is broadly complete, writes Mike Freed. RUSS is…
AssemblyCommunityLadywell SocietyLocal NewsTop Stories
Ladywell is a thriving and expanding community, says society submission to boundary review
by TonyThe Ladywell Society has made the following submission to the Local Government Boundaries Commission which is reviewing ward boundaries in Lewisham. Ladywell-Live welcomes other contributions…
AssemblyLocal NewsTop Stories
UPDATE: Ladywell NCIL pot worth £48,000. You can help decide what the money is spent on!
by TonyLewisham Council is putting residents in charge of setting the spending priorities for a new cash pot called Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (NCIL). Ladywell will…
Lewisham Council has approved controversial proposals for boundary changes which break up the existing Ladywell ward but create a new Ladywell Brockley ward. The council…
AssemblyLocal NewsTop Stories
Funding alert … Ladywell councillors’ discretionary fund now open for applications
by TonyLadywell Assembly is inviting applications to its Councillor’s Discretionary Fund. The total fund available to bid from is £2,500. Groups and organisations in Ladywell can…
AssemblyLocal News
Welcome to NCIL – but what will it all mean for the ward and our neighbourhood?
by TonyIn May, Ladywell Live spoke to Mayor Damien Egan about the impact of government funding cuts on Lewisham. He made clear one of the casualties…