Coming soon! The next Ladywell Assembly – your chance to have a say on what’s going on in your neighbourhood – will be on Tuesday October 22 from 7.00pm at St Mary’s CE Primary School, 329 Lewisham High Street, London SE13 6NX
As ever there are some important topics up for discussion so come along and make your voice heard.
There will be updates on developments in Ladywell – Ladywell Park Garden (the old swimming baths site), work restarting on Cascade Walk (between Embleton and Algernon Rds), and the future of the Place Ladywell.
A council officer will give an update on the sustainable streets programme wich aims to make better use of road space and pavements in the borough by planting more trees, and installing secure cycle storage hangars and electric vehicle charging points, as well as improving road safety.
Councillor Bill Brown will talk about the council consultation on proposed sites for Lime Bike docking bays in Ladywell ward. The consultation can be found at lewisham.traffweb.app (search TMO-1057) and ends on Friday 25 October. Be warned – its not easy to work out!
Dockless cycle hire schemes (as opposed to docked cycle hire schemes such as Santander
bikes) have been operating in London for several years.
But these schemes are unregulated and do not require the permissions of Highways authorities to operate.
Lewisham council entered into a memorandum of understanding with Lime bikes in September 2023. The council has committed to implementing marked designated bays for the parking of dockless bikes, where riders
must end their rides or face penalties by the operator.
This parking model has been used across London and has shown to increase parking compliance and reduce obstructive
parking. The model is most effective when there is a wide network of bays across the area and TfL & London Councils have recommended introducing bays within a 250-500m walk in order to support compliance.
The council is proposing to introduce these bays where riders must end their rides. The aim is to reduce the risk of obstructive parking on pavements. So far Ladywell-Live has found proposed bays Gillian Street, Chudleigh Rd, and Undercliff Rd. We are sure there are more.
The Police Safer Neighbourhood Team will give a written update.
And there will be updates on NCIL funding and the redevelopment of Lewisham Shopping Centre