So what would you like to see in 2024. We made a little Ladywell list here. You’ll have other hopes and wishes for 2024 so please send in your thoughts. We’ve kept it local and focused on the neighbourhood.
Here goes:

Let’s see measures to reduce traffic in the neighbourhood. Not a universally popular choice to start with. But congestion and pollution are serious problems in the area.
And while we are at it we want to see more effort to stop cars speeding up and down some of our streets – Vicars Hill especially. How about a flashing 20mph sign or two.
The Sustainable Streets survey could address these issues – not just CPZs. Ladywell needs traffic calming measures, EV charging points, bike storage facilities, street trees, and safe road crossings
Isn’t it time the Ladywell Rd garage site was developed. A planning application for low-rise flats with a ground floor open for retail, work space and the community use.

Can we get the Ladywell sign underneath the railway bridge on Ellerdate/Elmira repainted with the proper green.
And it’s time work restarted on Lewisham Home’s Cascade Walk (between Embleton Rd and Algernon Rd) – isn’t it?
It would be great to see the Embleton Green community garden finally get underway this year. It has been funded by NCIL.
And while we are talking about it let’s see another round of NCIL funding for the local assemblies.

The Play Tower – what can we say? Will Guildmore now just sit on it given the economic climate is hardly conducive to taking on a mult-million development project with a cinema complex. Perhaps a rethink is now needed!
We are looking forward to a successful launch of Wilson’s wine bar on the high street and wish Alina and Joel all the best.
And finally … we hope you will step forward with ideas and stories to keep us going in 2024.
Send your thoughts for 2024 via X/Twitter or contact us through the Ladywell Live website.