Stella Jeffrey feared the worst. But after weeks of lockdown she found some good reasons to stay positive.
s A year ago I was dreading 12 weeks of lockdown, policed by my younger son who had dire warnings of the dangers we over-70s faced.
But as lockdowns came and went I have come to appreciate the positives in the situation. For a start, I sit here typing, still in my pyjamas at 2 pm. Days no longer have to follow a rigid pattern.
If I’m still watching the latest episode of a Netflix drama at 1.30 in the morning, does it matter? I can binge all I like.
When I do get dressed I can get maximum use out of much loved but probably slightly scruffy clothes. I’m saving a fortune on smart outfits!
I appreciate that I am lucky enough to live in a comfortable house with a garden and for others life is still frantic. Can’t imagine how I would have coped with home-schooling my three!
Zoom meetings have become the norm. Though not ideal, they present the ultimate opportunity for multi-tasking.
Having a meal, a drink, doing a session on my exercise bike and still being able to participate is a godsend and I know that many disabled people, carers and those who cannot usually attend live meetings have really appreciated being included at last.
A charity which I had been helping to run with the aid of a team of mostly 70+ and some 80+ volunteers managed to recruit new younger helpers who have worked their socks off whilst we oldies have had to stay home.
Covid has certainly helped with the ‘succession planning’ of this organisation and many others I suspect.
I give thanks that so many workers have continued to collect our refuse, sweep our streets, look after our parks, drive our buses and trains, serve in our shops and post offices so some semblance of normality persists.
We are so fortunate having so much green space near us in Ladywell.
Last March my daughter signed me up for our street WhatsApp group out of which have grown new acquaintances, especially at our socially distanced coffee mornings, and a realisation that we all love living in Ladywell and want to help each other.
Who knows we may even solve the perennial problem of dog poo!