Lewisham council is preparing to release a framework plan for Catford which will outline a vision for how the town centre develop over the next 10-15 years.
The Council now wants further discussion with local people on the framework plan which will be presented to Mayor and Cabinet on Wednesday September 16.
As part of the plan, the South Circular Road (A205) will be rerouted behind Laurence House, freeing up more space for the redevelopment of the town centre.
The emphasis, says the council after carrying out hundreds of hours of face to face discussions with the local community, will be on ensuring a green, vibrant town centre with pedestrians at its heart.
“Catford Shopping Centre and Milford Towers will be replaced providing several hundred new homes, retail and commercial space and job opportunities.
“Up to 2,700 new homes (35 per cent affordable) will be delivered across the town centre to reflect housing targets within the Council’s Growth Strategy, which plans for a growth corridor from New Cross and Deptford to Catford.”
The council wants to see more planting on streets and the creation of more public space as part of the plan.

The plan envisages Catford remaining the civic heart of the borough with a refurbished Old Town Hall and Civic Suite to provide workspaces for Lewisham Council, flexible public meeting space and “an opportunity to celebrate the Grade II listed Broadway Theatre with public space around this important heritage building.”
Lewisham will share ideas with the local community “in pop-up locations throughout the town centre, video highlights, door-to-door distribution of newsletters and digital information sessions on Zoom” in autumn 2020.
It is hoped to finalise the framework plan by by spring 2021 and some aspects of the plan could begin construction after 2021. The entire redevelopment should be completed by mid 2030s.
Early projects include improvements to the stations area around Catford and Catford Bridge stations, the restoration of the former Catford Constitutional Club.
Councillor Paul Bell, Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning said: “Team Catford has spent the last three and a half years listening carefully to local people and we believe this latest draft framework reflects how Catford’s community wishes the town centre to evolve.
“Our ambition is for Catford to be the greenest town centre in London. Nature will be prioritised to create a cleaner, healthier and a more sustainable town centre for the benefit of people, urban wildlife and ecology.”
He said the Council was prioritising key early projects that the community have said matter most – including the sensitive restoration of one of the oldest buildings in Catford and tangible improvements for pedestrians and cyclists in the area surrounding Catford and Catford Bridge stations.”
However, despite local demands to increase accessibility to the town centre the plans do not include the replacement footbridge and cycleway from Catford Green (the old Greyhound stadium).