More than 20 cars in one hour were seen breaking the 20mph speed limit on Malpas Rd when I joined a Community Roadwatch scheme this week, writes Tony Major.
Cars vans and lorries were all seen driving at 26mph-plus despite cars parked on both sides of the road, speed bumps and a central island where school children and cyclists are expected to cross the road.
Malpas Rd is a busy B road (B218) and is often used by heavy lorries.
I joined a volunteer from Telegraph Hill and two uniformed community police officers to carry out speed monitoring with a speed gun on Malpas Rd close to the junction with Vulcan Rd.
We wore high-vis Community Roadwatch jackets and monitored the traffic for just an hour. I think it was worth it.
The drivers that saw us generally slowed down and if the exercise was to be repeated on a regular basis it would clearly have a deterrent effect.

It takes just a few minutes to get the hang of using the speed gun. It registers the vehicle’s speed after a few seconds.
If the driver is over the limit you call out the speed and a second volunteer and the police office note down the speed, reg, and make of the car.
Drivers seen speeding will be sent a letter informing them of their speed, date and time they committed the offence. If they are caught on subsequent occasions they can face penalties.
Malpas Road have an active community group that is lobbying strongly for a safer crossing on the road. They hope to carry out more such schemes on the road. Malpas Road Healthy Streets is on Facebook.
Ladywell ward residents have complained about speeding on several roads in the ward. It has featured in two recent ward assemblies.
If you want more information on Community Roadwatch schemes or want to become a volunteer you can contact communityroadwatchgreenwichandbexley@met.police.uk