An important date for your diary!
The next Ladywell assembly meeting will be on Tuesday June 25 at 7.00pm at Gordonbrock School, Gordonbrock Road, London SE4 1HQ.
There’s a full agenda with plenty to discuss. So come along, join in and put your point of view across.
The police Safer Neighbourhood Team will give an update on how they are working to reduce crime and antisocial behaviour across the ward. They will answer any questions you may have.
There will be a discussion on Community Road Watch schemes. How can we cut speeding and rat running on a number of roads across the ward? An officer from the Metropolitan Police Transport Command Unit will be at the meeting to provide advice on setting up a road watch scheme and take any question you may have.
We will hear from an assembly funded project. One of the local projects funded by the assembly will be returning to the meeting to report back on how they have spent the money they received.
How can you help Lewisham’s recycling and waste collection effort? The council is keen that all residents are recycling as much as possible. They want to understand the barriers you face when disposing of your waste. For example, fly tipping cost the borough over £340,000 to deal with in the 2017/18 financial year. An officer from the Lewisham Environment Team will be present at the meeting to hear your views and answer your questions.
There will be a review of assembly priorities. The priorities you agreed for the Ladywell Assembly a few years ago are now due for a review to ensure the issues are still relevant. Is there anything else the assembly should be working on? You can have your say!
Current priorities are:
1. Improving air quality and pollution. 2. Campaign for the inclusion of genuinely affordable housing in future development. 3. Better provision for youth – including apprenticeship linked to local businesses. 4. Community safety.
There are going to be changes to assembly funding. The assembly fund has been cut as part of the wide-ranging cuts the council has had to make because of cuts in government grant, but there is still a small pot of money, as well as other sources provided by the council. Details of what money we can access as well as how to apply will be provided at the meeting.
And for those who haven’t seen it already there will be a brief introduction to the Ladywell assembly website: Ladywell Live. It’s an assembly initiative designed to showcase what’s happening in the area. The website aims to promote activities and events run by local groups, schools and organisations as well as issues raised at the local assembly meeting. That’s everything from parking, traffic congestion and pollution; to planning issues; the Playtower; and anti-social behaviour. It’s also for Ladywell residents to raise concerns – and hopefully to help drive change.
If you want to publicise events or activities or raise concerns about issues in the community, send your information to contact@ladywell-live.org