A sudden surge in the number of terraced houses being converted into HMOs (houses in multiple occupation ) is alarming Ladywell residents.
Several single family homes have already been converted into “unsuitable” HMOs as landlords cash in on rising London rents.
Ladywell residents are concerned that a proposed six-bedroom HMO conversion in Embleton Road will lead to a change in the character of the neighbourhood.
There are already 16 HMOs nearby, according to a Lewisham council register, despite the council’s renewed efforts to license and restrict them.
Local campaigners say an oversupply of HMO conversions in the southern part of the borough forced Lewisham to clamp down on them.
It introduced regulations in January 2024 which require planning permission for all conversions of single family homes into HMOs.
Lewisham suffers from a shortage of family homes which was exacerbated by the spate of HMO conversions.
Residents can object to HMO developments on several grounds. These include:
- Noise
- Parking
- Loss of Light
- Increased pressure on amenities (water, electricity, rubbish disposal)
- Poor design and building materials
Residents object to Embleton Road proposal

Ladywell residents have organised a letter objecting to the development at 52 Embleton Road on several grounds.
Rosie Hattersley, a neighbour of the property, says the HMO is likely to increase noise levels with a much larger number of people in a cramped space. Rosie works from home. She says HMOs and AirBnBs are often cited as a noise nuisance.
She says the development will also block a significant amount of light from properties next door because of a proposed four metre rear extension.
With at least six tenants it is also likely to add parking pressures in a CPZ designed to reduce private car use.
Residents who have seen a small plan of the proposed conversion say the overall design is poorly thought through with minimum space requirements, a miniscule shared kitchen, and little social space.
- UPDATE: The planning application on NO 52 Embleton Road was refused
But many are concerned the HMO will start to change the settled character of the neighbourhood. Lewisham insists successful planning applications for HMOs have to show there is a specific need in the area; and that the conversion will not ‘harm’ the character of the area.
Neighbours only discovered works were being planned at No 52 Embleton Road when a Party Structure Notice was delivered. The planning application is not yet “live” on the council’s planning portal.
The party wall notice lists proposed work as “loft conversion, removal of chimney breast and rear extension”. There is no mention of the planned conversion of the house to an HMO.
To make matters worse, the notice was given to immediate neighbours an hour after the departure of the tenants who had been in the house for 14 years.