The Safer Neighbourhood police team says there has been a huge increase in mobile phone theft in Ladywell. From nine such thefts in February, September 2024 saw 59.
Police say the thefts usually involve young men on electric bikes, scooter sand mopeds riding past lone victims and snatching their phones from their hands.

Robbery, where violence is used or threatened has also seen a big increase in the neighbourhood. Earlier this year Ladywell was seeing one or two such cases a month . Now, police say, there are seven or eight such incidents a month.
Police advice is to keep your phone in your pocket or bag while walking to your destination; if you have to use your phone take a good look around; and keep to well-lit main roads where possible.
The team also reports an increase in theft from cars. This usually involves someone trying car doors until they find one that is unlocked. Anything of value in the car is then take.
But there is some good news, say local police. They recently shut down a brothel where they seized thousands of pounds worth of Class A drugs.
Police have also stepped up violence aganst women and girls (VAWG) patrols in local parks, at railway station and at schools and colleges.
Finally the police and local councillors are working to get the Safer Neighbourhood panel up and running. Contact Ladywell.snt@met.police.uk for more information.