The council is conducting a review of existing controlled parking zones (CPZs) as part of its Sustainable Streets programme, which aims to reduce car journeys in Lewisham by encouraging walking, cycling, and the use of public transport.
The reviews of the CPZs, which have been in operation for decades in some areas of the borough, are also looking at residents’ interest in implementing sustainable measures, such as cycle hangars, EV charging points, and new trees.
Over the past year, the council has conducted consultations in 10 areas with existing CPZs as part of it Sustainable Streets Programme.
As a result of those consultations several recommendations have been made to adjust the hours and/or days of operation in some areas and to introduce new Sustainable Streets measures. These recommendations were approved by the council on the September 18 2024.
The next round of CPZ reviews will include Ladywell West – which covers Sandrock, Undercliff, Overcliff, and Fossil roads.
A consultation will be launched on Monday October 21 and conclude on Sunday November 17. All residents will receive a postcard inviting them to take part. There will be a Commonplace website survey, with hard copies available. If the response is deemed low then leafletting and door-knocking will take place.
The council says it will propose new parking permit schemes across the borough to discourage unnecessary car journeys, ensure on-street parking for residents and businesses, and help fund further sustainable transport measures.
It says implementing permit parking schemes will enable it to invest in sustainable measures such as cycle storage hubs, safer crossing points, EV charging points and car club bays.
The Sustainable Streets programme “is designed to create safer, healthier, and greener streets for all while addressing key environmental challenges and extending these benefits to long-standing CPZs,” says the council.