Ladywell Women are campaigning to improve safety for women living, working, shopping or regularly out and about across the Ladywell ward.
With the help of a small grant from Lewisham Council the group is planning to find out about street harassment and violence towards women in the neighbourhood and suggest ways to tackle it and improve women’s safety.
“We want to gather as much information as we can about women’s experiences, please click on this survey link, which is designed for women aged 18 and over to complete,” says the group..
“ It would be great if you could fill it in online and submit it as soon as possible. If you are not a woman over 18 but know someone who is, then please forward it to them.”
Ladywell Women says that some of the survey questions ask for information and experiences which some women might find highly sensitive and personal.
If you have questions about Ladywell Women or the survey, please email ladywellwomensurvey@gmail.com
The survey can also be printed and completed. It should be sent to: Ladywell Women, c/o 24 Algiers Road, Ladywell, London SE13 7JE.
The group says it will be holding some meetings over the next few months for Ladywell women to discuss safety locally and we will publish the results of our survey.
Ladywell Women says it will write a report on the survey results which will be sent to all participants and used to ensure improved safety for women.