A planning application for the old leisure centre site behind the Place Ladywell will be submitted this autumn after a second round of consultation and community feedback is completed.
The scheme, part of the Building for Lewisham programme, will provide more than 100 affordable council homes, for social rent or shared ownership. It will also improve parking and access to the existing estate, and create new green space for residents.
These new homes will be mainly delivered by the council’s housing company Lewisham Homes and will help meet the chronic shortage of affordable homes in the borough..

London is in the grip of a severe housing shortage with an increasing lack of council housing across Lewisham.
There are currently 2,300 Lewisham families in temporary accommodation, of which 600 are in nightly paid accommodation.
The Place scheme will be constructed with a mix of sustainable low impact and low waste materials according to architects Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios.
The aim is to create a largely car free environment with a design and layout that encourages walking, cycling and use of public transport.
The scheme will include public gardens, play spaces, more trees and rooftop greening.
Energy for the homes will be provided by an air source heat pump and solar panels.
There will be eight low rise blocks of varying heights gathered around a central green community space.
The Place Ladywell, the award winning modular development providing 24 homes for families, will remain in place for the time being but could be moved at a later date to give the scheme a clear link to Lewisham High Street.
More info here https://ladywellleisuresite.commonplace.is/