The London Community Response Fund Wave 1 is open for applications now. There will be a Wave 2 and possibly Wave 3 thereafter.
Wave 1 is for small grants of £5,000 for essentials such as food and essential supplies, and aimed at charities helping Londoners with coping with shielding and self-isolation.
There is a rolling deadline of every Friday starting this Friday 3 April and applications will be assessed the following week after each Friday deadline. Costs incurred from March 23 onwards are eligible.
Groups unsuccessful at the first deadline will be re-submitted for a 2nd chance.
Applying now for the small grant for essentials does not exclude you from applying in Wave 2 or beyond. Visit the website for more details, guidance and application process, and sign up for updates as new funding becomes available.
If you have visited the site and read the guidance and still have questions, you can email info@londonfunders.org.uk for advice. Website: https://londoncommunityresponsefund.org.uk/