Lewisham Council is putting residents in charge of setting the spending priorities for a new cash pot called Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (NCIL). Ladywell will be receiving a total of just over £48,000.
NCIL is a charge made through planning on any new large scale development in the borough.
Councillors would like to hear your suggestions on how the fund should be spent.
📌Submit your ideas and priorities for how you think NCIL funding should be spent at your local Assembly meeting on 26th November 2019.
You may also submit your ideas and priorities for spend via the online consultation by visiting: www.lewisham.gov.uk/NCIL
Deadline for submitting your ideas on-line is by midnight on Tuesday 19th November 2019.
You can suggest anything. It could be spending the money on tackling antisocial behaviour, provision of services to reduce isolation, planting street trees, environmental improvement, improving air quality and reducing pollution or anything else!
The priorities identified in this engagement will be used to inform the future allocation of NCIL funds in your area.
The number of comments received from Ladywell so far is very low, we are asking you to please spare some time and go online to submit your ideas or simply attend the assembly on 26th November to tell us your ideas.
NCIL consultation
The long awaited online consultation for NCIL (neighbourhood community infrastructure levy)has been launched and is now live on the Common Place website. Using the following link https://lewishamlocalassemblies.commonplace.is/ please tell us your priorities for NCIL spending for your area.
You can navigate between the microsite to learn more about:
- the NCIL fund
- projects in your ward
- projects throughout the Lewisham borough.
NCIL must be used to support the development of an area, through new or improved infrastructure, or anything else that addresses the demands that development places on an area.
There are NCIL funds for each ward and residents can influence how it is spent.
How to suggest a priority: Tell us what your priorities are for NCIL investment to support development in Ladywell Ward. You can also suggest any ideas you might have for particular projects that could help meet that priority.
What would you like to see improved and where? (e.g. improvements to a local school playground, afterschool club funding, improvements to a local library etc.).
At this stage, the council want to identify broad priorities for NCIL.
Ladywell Assembly will discuss these priorities at the Assembly meeting on November 26 2019 .
What happens next: When the priorities have been agreed, the council will ask the local community for project ideas. The council will also email you if you identified a priority to ask you to submit your project ideas.
After the priorities have been set for your ward, you will be able to apply for funding for projects that address these priorities
Read Ladywell Live’s earlier story on NCIL here